Monday 28 March 2011

Get Acro in the Olympics

The debate on whether or not acrobatic gymnastics should be included in the Olympic Games has been going on for years.  It seems unfair that some disciplines of gymnastics are classed as an Olympic sport but others not.  Acrobatic gymnastics takes just as much physical training and the gymnasts who work this hard should be recognised and allowed to take part in the Olympics like any other sporting person.  There was a petition a few years back to try and make acro an Olympic sport which me and many others in my club signed.  This petition is now closed and acrobatic gymnastics is being considered for the 2020 Olympics at the earliest.  Although the petition is closed I have still attached the link to it so you can see how many people signed and what they had to say about it.  If Acro does eventually get in the Olympics this just shows how many people's voices together e.g. in the form of a petition really can make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you for raising your voice as part of this petition. With a daughter joining an acro team, I'll be watching for developments on this!
