Monday 7 March 2011

Artistic Gymnastics

There are three main disciplines of gymnastics.  In this post I will be describing artistic gymnastics as this is the most well-known and many people have never even heard of the other two.  Artistic gymnastics combines different apparatus and the gymnast is trained on all of these.  Women perform a floor, beam, vault and uneven bars routine.  Men perform on the floor, rings, vault, pommel horse, parallel bars and high bar.  In artistic gymnastics competitions, gymnasts are given individual scores for each event so they can either win on a single event or if they do well in all areas will have a chance of winning the all-round competition.  There is also a team competition so the scores of each individual gymnast in the team are added together to give their team score.  The team will be gymnasts from the same club or, in bigger competitions such as the Olympics or World Championships, they will be competing for their country.  Many aspects of fitness are required to take part in artistic gymnastics, the most important being balance, power, strength and flexibility.  It is a very technical sport which requires complete control of the body and also the gymnast must perform with elegance and grace to achieve high marks.  This video is a montage of the women's artistic gymnastics world championships 2009.  It shows clips of different gymnasts on different pieces of apparatus so please take a few minutes to watch this.

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