Tuesday 8 March 2011

Acrobatic Gymnastics

Finally, my favourite type of gymnastics is Sports Acrobatics (Acro).  This is the discipline of gymnastics that I have been involved with.  I went to my first gymnastics class when I was five years old and absolutely loved it and continued training up until I was seventeen, moving up through different levels, developing skills and really formed a love for the sport.  Acro gymnastics is performed in partnerships doing both balance and tempo routines.  Unfortunately, most people have never heard of it or had the chance to watch any of it.  This is a shame as almost everybody thinks artistic gymnastics is the only discipline, because they have never been involved with the sport.  Acro gymnastics is not currently in the Olympics and this is one of the main reasons the majority of people do not know about it.  Personally, I think acrobatics is the best form of gymnastics to watch to see what people can do working together.  Gymnasts can compete in either:
  • A women's pair
  • A men's pair
  • A mixed pair
  • A women's trio
  • A men's four
Great Britain has a more successful acro team than they do artistic.  They are a highly respected country for achieving brilliance in the sport at European and World championships.  So why is it that the media are not interested in the sport?  I will never understand why it is not as big a sport as it has so much potential to be.


  1. Hi, I just want to know what that third skill in the pictures are... If you know...
