Monday 21 March 2011

Astro Gymnastics

My gymnastics club is called Astro gymnastics and we are an acrobatics club. The club runs many different levels of classes throughout the week starting from as early as preschool (18months+).  The club is non-profit making and has been running for over 13 years, based in West Lothian.  The head coach, Caroline Gourlay started the club off very small.  The first classes trained in a small dance studio with limited space and equipment.  Since then the club has went from strength to strength and we are now based at West Lothian College where there is a massive sports hall and we have our own mats and lots of equipment to use.  The club is also currently looking for our own facility where we could keep the hall set up permanently which would save a lot of time before and after classes.  I trained with Astro since I was a young gymnast and always loved it.  There is always a great atmosphere in training sessions and great bonds between both gymnasts and coaches.  I stopped competitive training when I was about sixteen and I am now still involved with the club to this day coaching the younger classes and helping to organise routines if we have shows coming up.  The club are getting ever more successful and just last weekend one of our senior trios went to Ireland to represent Scotland in the Celtic cup.  This was their first time taking part in the festival and the Scottish team were the overall winner which was a huge honour.  I have included pictures of both our Senior and Junior display teams who are the gymnasts selected to represent Astro when we take part in displays.  We also have our own annual club display which the gymnasts are working towards just now in training.  This year it is in April and it is for the whole club to take part.  Every gymnast is in at least one routine and this takes a lot of organising from our coaching team. 
Pre school class

Junior Display Team

Trio at Celtic Cup 2011

Senior Display Team

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